The Dogs Butcher

Dogs have always played a major part in our family life and what they eat has always been important to us. I first started to feed our family dogs Sable and Bonnie raw tripe and pet mince from the butcher in the late 80’s / early 90’s. After a while, I was a little concerned they weren’t receiving a balanced enough diet so I reverted back to Kibble.

Over the years, more and more research has pointed to the multiple benefits of a raw dog food diet so in 2010 I once again took the plunge and started the dogs on their new raw food diet. It was around the same time that some of the stories around dry dog food and it’s contents were being more widely reported so this certainly influenced my decision.

We love all animals here at The Dogs Butcher so we ensure our raw food is British and ethically sourced. We won’t buy non-stunned, Halal slaughtered or intensively farmed meat and all our poultry products are free range. Where possible we use quality, locally sourced ingredients from near The Dogs Butcher’s headquarters in Devon.

Our produce is sourced from abattoirs that we have worked with for a number of years and regularly visit. We believe this is crucial to the ethos of our product as we can investigate where the animals are sourced, be sure that they have lived a good life and monitor the conditions that the animals and our end product go through at every stage of the process.

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